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National Women’s Day Celebration - a Craft A Long, Papercrafting Edition

National Women’s Day Celebration - a Craft A Long, Papercrafting Edition

Ah, National Women’s Day—the one day a year when the world pauses to acknowledge that women are, in fact, the backbone of society. (As if that wasn’t obvious every other day.)

It’s the day we celebrate the brilliance, resilience, and occasional supernatural patience of women everywhere. From CEOs to stay-at-home parents, astronauts to baristas, women are out here doing the most—often while wearing shoes that definitely weren’t designed for comfort.

In all my years of Papercrafting and Documenting Memories I find myself making projects around the people in my life.  Dozens of baby books, vacation albums, family memory albums adorn our bookshelves.  The one thing you won’t find…focus on me.  As the matriarch I am always making those memories for others.

Well, a bit of a personal story, I am coming up on the 1 year anniversary of my mother’s passing and through the year as I have gone through her things I am finding the same thing.  Memories of everyone except for her…not many photos or writings of my mom.  

So this year on National Women’s Day I am making a project celebrating me. Hopefully one day my kids and grandkids will find it and know who I am today.  So let’s get started…we are making a mini album and filling it full of writings and photos of today. 

Supplies Needed:

Cardstock – Patterned and Solid (Use Dark Green/Cream for Binding)
Embellishments – To match your theme
Paper Trimmer
Score Board
Strong Adhesive

Creating the Binding

1. Cut Cover Pieces:

  • Front & Back Covers: (2 pieces)4" x 6"

2. Cut Outer Binding Piece:

  • Size: 4" x 2 1/4"
  • Score at: 1" and 1 1/2"

3. Cut Inner Binding Piece:

  • Size: 4" x 3 1/2"
  • Score at: 1" and every 1/4" until 2 1/2"

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