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Back to the Beach!

Back to the Beach!

Well, we did it again...another Quilting Show but this one with a twist.


We headed back to Daytona Beach last week for another adventure, but this time it was a show for Retail Stores. We got to meet some new and see some current dealers of Cutterpillar Products!

You may notice the booth is a little different from our typical expos as we like to sit down and talk with our retail owners and buyers. (The booth next to us had a green theme as well, luck of the draw!)

We were able to show our Light Boards, our Flex Sewing Machine Lights, our LED Clamp Lights as well as all of our accessories. You can find out more about our products here

We even got to show a sneak peek of some fun new things we have up our sleeves...shhh

More to come on that later...

We travel to lots of shows across the country each year and love every bit of it. This VDTA show came with a bit of funny for us. Kesha and I came to the show and pulled out all of the clothes we brought to decide which ones to wear each day. We wanted to make sure our outfits didn't clash at all. You won't believe what happened - totally by accident!

Aren't we cute? We like to say "Great Minds Think Alike" Keep watching our blog for our next adventures!

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